Founder & Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Kimberly Harrison is a versatile, in-demand speaker who can address a variety of topics for your group . She is skilled at presenting to parent groups, teacher in-service workshops, and community meetings. Dr. Harrison also is an active researcher in the areas of ASD and ADHD and presents on these topics at professional conferences. A complete list of past speech titles and events and Dr. Harrison’s CV are available upon request.
Topics include:
Creating Skilled Students in a World of Technology
Improving Executive Functioning in the Classroom
Improving Executive Functioning at Home
Screentime Parenting
Big Help for Big Feelings
Making a Difference the Lasts a Lifetime
High Functioning Autism in the Classroom
The Psychoeducational Testing Process: What Teachers Need to Know
Neurodiversity Across Cultures and the Lifespan
*Customized talks are available upon request.