Founder & Clinical Psychologist
Thanks for stopping by the website to learn about what we do around here. As for me, I am a clinical psychologist who provides psycho-educational and psychological assessments along with consultations on a variety of issues. I've learned that testing is a way to tease out issues and provide a clear path for making life better. My training as a psychologist has a strong scientific foundation, and employing scientific techniques through the testing process helps generate understanding and insight about human behavior, learning styles and emotional processing.
Consultations are also available to help with a variety of issues including parenting, transition to adulthood, family issues, career adjustment, treatment planning, or whatever is on your mind. I am especially passionate about helping parents get to root issues that are causing difficulty for their children at home and school. Some consultations involve only one appointment and others include several based on the issues at hand.
Because I believe in the value of professional collaboration, I founded The Conative Group, PLLC, which is a collective of independent mental health practitioners.
Other Programs & Publications:
Prior to earning my Ph.D., I was a master's level clinician working as a therapist and psychological associate. In these roles, I provided therapy and psycho-educational testing services for over seven years. I hold two master's degrees: one in general psychology and another with an emphasis in clinical psychology. I went back to school as an adult because of a passion for getting to know unique life stories, and for helping individuals use their strengths to overcome difficulties. I know firsthand how challenging it is to try something new, and I also know firsthand the sense of accomplishment that takes place when you step out in faith. It's not easy, but ultimately change can be rewarding.
Before my career as a therapist, I worked in sales and marketing and then became a women's and children's ministry director. I think you will find this diverse background helps me relate to a wide variety of issues. I understand the pressures and nuances of business and working for a large corporation. I also know what it is like to be a working mother.
As a clinician, I have a broad range of training. My Ph.D. internship was through The University of Texas Health Science Center in the Texas Medical Center. I received extra training in helping persons with high functioning autism (Asperger's type), and individuals with ADHD. I also trained with both Houston Independent School District and Harris Country Psychiatric Center.
Combining my multi-faceted background with a passion for teaching has created a rich catalog of speaking topics for clinicians, educators, and parent groups. In addition to specialized talks and workshops for schools, organizations, and companies, I am on the Speaker's Bureau for the Texas Psychological Association. My speaking experience includes local and national audiences.
Visit my ancillary website, www.drkimberlyharrison.com for details on speaking topics and on-the-road workshops.
On a personal note, I am married to my best friend and have an adult daughter and son-in-law. In my spare time, I enjoy painting and writing.
Psychologist of the Year, Houston Psychological Association 2019
Houston Psychological Association (Board Member-At-Large 2019)
Autism Resource Network, Founder